Your appointment will be with one of our fully trained and highly skilled healthcare specialists.
Upon arrival you will need to check in with the receptionist who will take your details and ask you to take a seat in the waiting area. You will be called through to a private consultation room away from the main department and you will meet the healthcare specialist looking after you during your appointment.
During your first appointment questions will be asked about your problem and how it impacts your life. A health assessment or examination, if appropriate, may take place.
Once your appointment has finished you may be given:
- a treatment plan
- patient information leaflets to take away with you
- self-care advice and encouraged to watch our self-care videos on our website
- follow up appointment
If an examination is required you will always be asked to agree to any form of examination or treatment. You are always free to say no or to ask for more information before you make up your mind. Before you are examined staff will always ask for your consent.
We will only share your information with other professionals on a “need to know” basis and all NHS staff have a duty to ensure your information is not disclosed inappropriately. We will ask your consent to share your information, however there may be some occasions when information has to be shared without consent e.g. in the case of children or vulnerable adults.
You will always be treated with respect and dignity. Remember, you can take a friend or family member (chaperone) with you to your appointment. The service can also provide a chaperone if this is needed.