Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (WCHC) and Wirral University Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (WUTH) are seeking to appoint a Joint Non-Executive Director, to their respective Boards of Directors.
This is an exciting and interesting time to join both Trusts in a joint NED role following joint appointments of both the Chair and Chief Executive in late 2024. This shared leadership is driving effective joint decision-making on greater collaboration and organisational integration.
The Trusts will be formally entering into a Partnership Agreement in 2025-26 and establishing a Joint Committee to support the delegation of specific functions from each of the statutory boards. The case for change is real and with shared priorities and collective decision-making at board level, the benefits will be wide-ranging across the health system and for the people in our care.
As a joint non-executive, you will have accountability to both Boards of Directors to ensure that statutory functions are maintained. You will have the benefit of working across both Trusts to amplify the best of hospital and community health services in Wirral, whilst remaining absolutely focused on opportunities to improve outcomes and experiences for patients and their families.
The last few years have been both challenging and transformational for the NHS and we are seeking to appoint a Joint Non-Executive Director with the experience, skills and ambition to support the next phase of integration and an ambitious programme of organisational transformation.
Both trusts are committed to equality of opportunity and applications are welcomed from people from a range of backgrounds who understand the needs and priorities of their local communities and can hold the confidence of patients and the public. As they are under-represented in Non-Executive roles, we particularly welcome approaches from women, people from the local black and minority ethnic communities and disabled people.
To apply for this exciting opportunity, please supply the following information:
- a detailed CV setting out your career history, with responsibilities and achievements
- a covering letter (maximum two sides) highlighting your suitability for the role and how you meet the person specification. Please note that the covering letter is an important part of your application and will be assessed as part of your full application.
- please provide details of two professional referees together with a brief statement of their relationship to you and over what period of time they have known you. Referees will not be contacted without your prior consent.
Please send all applications to Alison Hughes, Director of Corporate Affairs – alison.hughes29@nhs.net Closing date for applications is 11.59pm on Sunday 23 March 2025.
All shortlisted candidates will have the opportunity to engage informally with the Trust Chair and other key internal stakeholders prior to the final selection process.
The final selection process will take place at St Catherine’s Health Centre, Wirral and is currently scheduled to take place the week commencing 28 April 2025.