Feedback from our families

“The joint working between the Infant Feeding Team and the family’s Health Visitor has ensured mum has been supported throughout her journey.”

Infant Feeding Teams
Read the Infant Feeding Team’s story
Home-Start professional talking to a parent

“Tom said he needed solutions and someone to talk to regularly. Two months later, Tom is accessing support regularly and in his words is feeling better about dealing with things one step at a time.”

Read Tom’s story
Clinician with young person

“Jane developed a positive relationship with her Family Nurse in a short period of time and has engaged well with the Family Nurse Partnership programme”.

Read Jane's story
Mum holding her giggling baby

“With the support from the 0-19+ Service, Mary felt reassured and was able to open up to her Health Visitor to discuss any anxieties which were then alleviated."

Read Mary’s story
Health Visitor and little girl who is sat with her Mum and Da