Special Educational Needs and Disability
If you were to ask a SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) Specialist Practitioner why they feel their role is important it can be summed up by the following statement – “Our vision for children with special educational needs and disabilities is the same as for all children and young people – that they achieve well in their early years, at school and in college, and lead happy and fulfilled lives” (Department for Education Special educational needs and disability code of practice: 0-25 years – 2015).
What to do if you are concerned about your child?
If you have concerns about your child, whether it be around their behaviour, emotional wellbeing or their development, or if you feel that they are struggling either at home or at nursery / school our teams are here for you.
To talk through your concerns please contact your Health Visiting or School Nursing Team in Cheshire East, St Helens or Wirral.
Contacts in Cheshire East
Find out more about the local SEND offer and support in Cheshire East – Cheshire East Council
Contacts in St Helens
Find out more about the local SEND offer and support in St Helens – St Helens Borough Council (search ‘SEND’)
Contacts in Wirral
Find out more about the local SEND offer and support in Wirral – SENDLO Wirral. Wirral’s Local Offer of SEND Services
Contacts in Knowsley
Find out more about the local SEND offer and support in Knowsley – www.knowsley.gov.uk
Additional support in Cheshire East:
Children’s Centres
- www.cheshireeast.go.uk/livewell– Tel: 0300 123 5033 –
- Cheshire East Children with Disabilities Shortbreaks Team – 01625 378083
- Cheshire East Parent Carer Forum
- Cheshire Autism Practical Support (ChAPS)
- Cheshire East Carers’ Hub
- Contact for families with disabled children
- Cerebra – working with you and your amazing child
- Newlife – the charity for disabled children
- ERIC – Potty training children with additional needs
- Ruby’s Fund – Centre for children with additional needs –
- Space 4 Autism
- Autism Inclusive