Our health visiting teams have gathered together some information that they think you will find useful. This includes information that you would normally be given during your 4-8 week meeting with your health visitor.
Please note, you may need to copy and paste the link into your browser.
Remember you can contact your health visitor if you are worried about your emotional health.
ICON – Babies Cry You Can Cope
All babies cry, and this is a very effective way for them to communicate. When we are all feeling extra stress, it would not be surprising to feel that babies cry more, or for that crying to feel particularly hard to manage.
The ICON website offers us some understanding of baby’s crying and simple strategies to think about if anyone in the family is feeling overwhelmed by this.
For further help and support contact:
Your local Midwifery Services for infants if you are still under the
care of your Midwife
Your Health Visiting Service (Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 5.00pm)
Wirral: 0151 514 0219
Cheshire East: 0300 123 4058
St Helens: 01744 411277
Knowsley: 0151 514 2666
At evenings and weekends you can call NHS 111 or your GP’s out-of-hours.
In an emergency, please dial 999.
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC)
Tel : 0808 800 5000
CRY-SIS National Help line: 08451 228 669
The Lullaby Trust – Safe Sleep Guide
Please follow this link:
The Lullaby Trust offers guidance on how to keep your baby safe whilst sleeping. This includes ideas for monitoring baby’s temperature and room temperature as the weather gets warmer.
The Institute of Health Visiting
The Institute of Health Visiting offers helpful parenting information and links to a lot of useful sites, especially to those that support your mental health and wellbeing.
NHS website – What to do if your child is unwell
The NHS website provides clear information on what to do if your child is unwell and when to seek further help. In an emergency, please dial 999.
Smile Group
The Smile Group provides first-hand experience of perinatal mental health challenges.
For dads
Dad pad – essential guide for new dads, developed with the NHS.
Your baby will be ready for weaning onto solid foods when they are around 6 months old. This site offers guidance on how to know when your baby is ready and will help to guide you through the weaning journey. Take a look at the weaning recipes from Start4Life.
Speech and language development
Help your baby learn to talk – support and guidance can be found on the NHS website.
Social media pages – Facebook
My Health Wirral (school nursing)
Cheshire East:
St Helens:
Mental Health Support
Knowsley and St Helens
If you need urgent mental health support, please call our 24/7 freephone crisis line on: 0800 051 1508 If you live outside of the above areas, find your local mental health crisis line on the NHS website.
Cheshire and Wirral
Cheshire and Wirral Partnership’s new 24/7 Crisis Phone Line (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) Mental Health Crisis line phone number 0800 145 6485.
Providing around-the-clock access to mental health support for all ages, children, young people and adults. In the case of a medical emergency please contact your GP, visit your local A&E department or Dial 999
Parenting Journey (Cheshire East)
The Parenting Journey will support you from pregnancy until your child starts school. With a mixture of sessions from stay and plays in your Children’s Centre to your Health Visitor coming to visit you. It is a fun way for you to learn more about your babies / child’s development, speak to health and childcare professionals along with a chance to meet other parents.
For more information visit the Parenting Journey website.
Service user feedback
Your experience of accessing our services is really important.
We’d love to hear about your recent experience. Please complete our short feedback form and tell us about your experience. Complete our short survey.