About the Contact Hub
With one telephone number – 0300 123 4058 – the Contact Hub makes it easier for families to contact children and young people’s services in Cheshire East
The Contact Hub ensures people access the right service that meets their needs. It offers a person centred approach and is staffed by clinical and non-clinical staff who triage and respond to calls from parents, carers, young people and health and care professionals across Cheshire East.
Staff provide a range of support, as well as signposting and following up families depending on their need.
The hub is the first point of contact for both service users and health and care professionals. It is structured around the following:
- Telephone advice line and signposting to local services
- Service support – Infant Feeding (Cherubs), Health Visiting, School Nursing, Immunisations Administrative Team, and Family Nurse Partnership (FNP)
- Peer support
- ChatHealth – text messaging facility for 11-19 year olds (delivered by the School Nursing Team)
- Dedicated Facebook pages (Cheshire East Health Visiting Hub and Cheshire East School Nurses)
- Referral management via an online form and triage
- Signposting and referrals into other local services
- Dedicated children and young people’s website – instant access to information and guidance
The specialist team is on hand Monday – Friday, 9.00am – 4.30pm, providing a range of support for:
- New parents/carers – weaning, feeding, vaccinations, sleeping, bonding and wellbeing
- Parents/carers of early years children – vaccinations, school readiness, fussy eating, bedwetting, toilet training, emotional wellbeing, behaviour and Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Parents / carers of school age children – vaccinations, wellbeing, resilience, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Parents/carers of young people – vaccinations, relationships, bullying, confidence/self-esteem, sexual health, lifestyle advice, resilience, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
- Young people – vaccinations, relationships bullying, confidence/self-esteem, sexual health, resilience and lifestyle advice
- Health and care professionals – referrals, support and signposting
How to access the Contact Hub
To make a referral into the Contact Hub please complete the online referral form. The form is easy to use and will be processed by a member of the team.
You can contact a member of the team via:
Telephone: 0300 123 4058
Email: [email protected]