Weight gain occurs when you regularly eat and drink more calories than you burn through normal bodily functions and physical activity. Read about the hidden causes of weight gain.
To lose weight, you should try to cut down on how much you eat and drink and be more active.
In Wirral 2 in every 3 adults are of an unhealthy weight*.
If you need support to lose weight there is lots of help available throughout Wirral:
Service for adults
Our Weight Management Service provides free, confidential and tailored support for people with a BMI of 39.9 and over. The team can really help you reduce your BMI and gives you access to a variety of nutrition and dietetics experts that will deliver a personalised multi-disciplinary approach to weight management.
Services for children and young people
Fit Club is our children’s weight management programme which provides support for local children who are above a healthy weight, have been referred from the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP) or are in the 98th percentile or above.
Slimming World and Weight Watchers
Wirral Council funds Slimming World and Weight Watchers to provide free weight management support to local residents. The scheme could provide you with 12 free sessions at your local Slimming World or Weight Watchers group.
The service is available to Wirral residents who are:
- Aged 16 years and over
- Registered with a Wirral GP
- An unhealthy weight (BMI of 30+ or BMI 28 with other conditions)
- Not currently attending a slimming club and have not attended one in the last three months
*Joint Strategic Needs Assessment, Wirral, 2017
The One You Cheshire East website details the weight management services available in the Cheshire East area.