Download the joining guide for virtual sessions
Download the group ground rules
The organisation has reviewed a range of video conferencing solutions for the virtual option and Microsoft Teams is the chosen solution. Microsoft Teams offers a safe and secure video conferencing platform and in line with current Data Protection legislation a Data Protection Impact Assessment has been completed to assess for any privacy risks.
All you need to join one of the virtual sessions is an email address and means of accessing the internet (computer, laptop, tablet, smart phone). If you don’t have these you may want to ask a family/friend to help. All you need to do to access the session is to click on the link on an email. Alternatively, you can book on to one of the face to face sessions if you prefer.
Core Session
The Core Session covers six main topics:
- What is Diabetes?
- Diabetic complications
- Prevention of complications
- Medications and Insulin
- Healthy dietary choices
- Getting support and making changes
This Core session content is password protected. If you book on to a remote Core session the password will be provided in your booking email and post-session attendance email. If you attend a face to face Core session the password will be provided in the written information available at the session.
There is a pre session work book for the remote Core session, which you may also find helpful to look through before attending a face to face Core session.https://www.wchc.nhs.uk/resources/information-book-diabetes-smart-core-session/
You can also find out about What Diabetes is and how to look after your health with Diabetes at What is diabetes? | Getting to know the basics | Diabetes UK
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)
Carbohydrate Awareness Session
The Carbohydrate Awareness Session covers six main topics:
- Introduction to Carbohydrates
- Amount of Carbohydrate
- Types of Carbohydrate
- Types of Carbohydrate and Glycaemic Index (GI)
- Amounts of Carbohydrate
- Estimating the Carbohydrate content of foods and drinks
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)
Healthy Lifestyles Session (Part 1)
The Healthy Lifestyles Session covers healthy eating
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)
Healthy Lifestyles Session (Part 2)
The Healthy Lifestyles Session covers four main topics:
- Weight and Diabetes
- Dietary Approaches
- Benefits of Weight Loss
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)
Keeping Well Session
The Keeping Well Session covers five main topics:
- Complications
- Hyperglycaemia and managing illness
- Tests and monitoring
- Hypoglycaemia
- Preventing complications
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)
Physical Activity Session
The Physical Activity Sessions covers five main topics:
- Benefits of Physical Activity
- Recommendations for Physical Activity
- Physical Activity Safety
- Physical Activity & Hypos
- Ways to be more physically active
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)
Food Labelling Session
The Food Labelling Session covers:
- Ingredient lists
- Nutrition information
- Reference intakes
- Traffic lights
- Nutrition claims
To view resources related to the session visit Self care resources and support – Wirral Community Health and Care NHS Foundation Trust (wchc.nhs.uk)