Our team includes health visitors, community health nurses and nursery nurses. They are specialists in child health and development and provide a range of information, support and advice to ensure families are fully supported to give their children the best possible start in life.
Working closely with parents we provide:
- antenatal visits
- new birth visit – advice and support in caring for a new baby (10-14 days old)
- contact at 4-8 weeks, 9-12 months and 2-2 ½ years – including physical and developmental reviews
- support for specific issues such as postnatal depression
- one-to-one breastfeeding support
- feeding, weaning and dental health advice
- support and advice on family health and minor illnesses
- emotional and mental wellbeing support
- child safety advice
- sleep or behaviour concerns
- parenting support
- information about other services and community groups (eg Children’s Centres, breastfeeding support groups)
- referrals into specialist services eg Speech and Language Therapy, Bladder and Bowel Service
The Trust also delivers the Family Nurse Partnership which offers a programme of intensive and structured support to first time mums who are aged 18 and under.
Contact your Wirral Health Visiting team on 0151 514 0219
Koala North West – Breastfeeding Peer Support
Koala North West are our partners in providing support for breastfeeding families. Koala North West are commissioned by our 0-19 service to work with families to help them achieve the feeding journey they desire. Koala North West work both on a one to one basis, with families at home and also in community settings offering group support.
Koala North West also offer a range of specialist courses and programmes. For more information call 0151 608 8288 or visit the Koala North West website.