Who we are

Our Cherubs infant feeding team provide support to breastfeeding mums and their babies throughout Cheshire East.
Our team offers antenatal support and information as soon as mum and baby are discharged from hospital. Support is accessible right throughout the breastfeeding journey.
The Cherubs team operates Monday – Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm (excluding bank holidays).
Types of support include:
- Local breastfeeding groups
- One-to-one home visits
- Antenatal Sessions
- Telephone helpline – 0300 123 4579
- Closed Facebook group – @CherubsofCheshire
Antenatal Sessions
If you are pregnant and want to find out more about feeding your baby Cherubs runs monthly virtual Antenatal Sessions. These sessions cover relationship building with your newborn, how to get breastfeeding off to the best start, and where to find support.
To find out when the next session is and book a place, check out our EventBrite page:
Macclesfield Maternity & CHERUBS Events
Accessing Support
Across Cheshire East there are Breastfeeding Support Groups which provide help with feeding issues and social support for mums in the area. We also provide a specialist Lactation Clinic which offers support to resolve any breastfeeding problems.
All the Cherubs groups list below are drop in:
- Congleton Children’s Centre, 10.00am – 11.30am
- Hurdsfield Children’s Centre, 10.00am – 11.30am
- Nantwich Children’s Centre 12.30 – 2.00pm
- Holmes Chapel Community Centre (Based at the Stay and Play Session, Cherubs attendance on the first Monday of the Month) 10.00am – 11.00am
- Monks Children’s Centre, Crewe, 10.00am – 11.30am
- Poynton Clay Coffee House (Cherubs attendance on the first Wednesday of the Month), 10.00am – 11.30am
- Ash Grove Children’s Centre, Macclesfield, 10.00am -11.30am
- Knutsford Children’s Centre, Lactation Clinic, 10.00am -12pm
- Wilmslow Children’s Centre, 10.00am -11.30am
If you are unable to attend a support group, please call us to see what further support can be arranged – 0300 123 4579.
Breastfeeding support is structured around:
- positioning and attachment
- expressing
- resolving problems such as blocked ducts, mastitis and thrush
Specialist support is also offered for:
- preterm babies
- twins
- mum or baby with additional medical problems
- feeding problems related to tongue tie
Useful resources
Local leaflets:
- Safer Sleep (0-3 month)
- Safer Sleep (3-6 months)
- Safer Sleep (6-12 months)
- Safer Sleep (1-2 years)
- Safer Sleep (2-3 years)
- Safer Sleep (3-5 years)
National advice and information:
- Basis – baby sleep info source
- Breastfeeding companion
- Breastfeeding network
- First Steps Nutrition Trust
- Kelly Mom breastfeeding
- Lullaby Trust
- North West Human Milk Bank
- Stanford Medicine – newborn nursery
- Unicef
National support is available from:
- National Breastfeeding Helpline – 0300 100 0212
- Association of Breastfeeding Mothers – 0300 330 5453
- La Leche League – 0345 120 2918
- National Childbirth Trust (NCT) – 0300 330 0700
Breastfeeding Basics Videos:
- Attachment
- Recognising Swallowing
- Different Positions
- Exaggerated Latch
- Breast Compressions
- Winding
- Laid Back Feeding
- Cherubs Breastfeeding – positioning and attachment and breast compressions
- Feeding in a Sling
Increasing Milk Supply Videos:
Bottle Feeding Breastmilk Videos:
- Bottle Feeding a Breastfed baby
- Paced Feeding
- Expressing and storing breast milk – NHS
- Cherubs Breastfeeding – hand expression
Contact us
- Telephone: 0300 123 4058
- Email: [email protected]
- Facebook: Cherubs of Cheshire (Cheshire Really Useful Breastfeeding Support) | Facebook