Service update
Unfortunately, all Long Covid services in Cheshire and Merseyside will no longer be commissioned beyond Tuesday 1 April 2025.
This decision has been made by the NHS Cheshire and Merseyside Integrated Care Board (ICB). More information about the decision can be found on the ICB’s website – www.cheshireandmerseyside.nhs.uk (search ‘long covid’).
Therefore, the Long Covid Service in Wirral will close on Monday 31 March 2025. The service will be unable to offer any appointments or support from this date.
Over the past 12 months our experienced Long Covid team has provided dedicated help, support, and education to over 290 people living with long covid in Wirral.
The team is currently contacting all patients about the changes and providing personalised patient management plans. Patients will be discharged back to the care of their GP who will continue to support Long Covid recovery.
Patients can contact the Long Covid team with any queries before Monday 31 March on 0151 651 3974.
If you wish to share any feedback about these changes, please contact the Patient Experience Team at the ICB:
- Email: [email protected]
- Telephone: 0800 132 996
- Address: Patient Experience Team, NHS Cheshire and Merseyside, No.1 Lakeside, 920 Centre Park Square, Warrington WA1 1QY
Useful organisations which offer a range of services and support as you continue your recovery:
Ask Us Wirral
Tel: 0808 278 7848 (general advice line)
Wirral Borough Council
Tel: 0151 514 2222
Wirral Info Bank
Tel: 0151 644 4500 (option 8)
Headspace (10 days free meditation)
Wirral Mind
Tel: 0151 512 2200
Open Door (Bazaar programme for 17-35 year olds)
Involve Northwest (Community Connectors)
Tel: 0151 644 4516
Age UK Wirral
Tel: 0151 482 3456
Flourish Wellbeing Hub (Victoria Health Centre, Mill Lane, Wallasey CH44 5UF)
Drop in service for advice and support for benefits, housing and mental health
British Lung Foundation
Returning to work
Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS)
Financial support
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
Help to Claim
Help and advice for benefits from the Citizen’s Advice Bureau