Steps in Bowel Retraining
Find a regular time each day where you would not be interrupted (doing this in the morning after breakfast is usually the best time).
Sit on the toilet for a fixed amount of time usually about 5 minutes. It’s preferable to do this 10 to 20 minutes after a meal with coffee.
If you do not have a bowel movement in that amount of time just get up and go about your regular activities. Do not strain to have a bowel movement.
If you do not have a bowel movement after two or three days, take a glycerine suppository.
Steps to empty bowels
- Sit on toilet and place feet on step.
- Lean slightly forwards.
- Begin breathing – imagine smelling flowers and blowing out bubbles. Try to avoid straining and over pushing.
- Add two tablespoons of milled linseed/flaxseed to breakfast.
- Increase water intake.
- Two Kiwi fruits a day keeps constipation away.
- Hot water and lemon in the mornings as your first drink.
- Tummy massage is a great way to help with bloating.
- Take a look at your diet – are you eating foods that trigger your bowel function?
Exercises to aid gut movement