What is stress incontinence?
Involuntary leakage of urine during activities such as coughing, sneezing, lifting, laughing or exercising.
It occurs when the intra-abdominal pressure is greater than the urethral pressure and the pelvic floor muscles do not activate in order to maintain continence.
Causes and risk factors can vary from: pregnancy, post vaginal or caesarean births, obesity chronic cough, constipation and persistent heavy lifting, prolapses
How to improve stress incontinence
Maintain a healthy weight.
Avoid constipation and straining to empty your bladder.
The Knack – activating your pelvic floor prior to a cough, sneeze or completing an activity linked to your leaking can help maintain your continence.
Core based exercises – strengthening teh core can reduce or eliminate urinary incontinence by restoring support to the pelvic organs and helping to control against leakage. Try low impact exercise in teh first instance. Progress to running or higher intensity training over a period of time.
Pelvic floor stretches – often some people struggle to relax and lengthen the pelvic floor which can shorten and guard teh muscles.