Your experience of accessing our services is really important.
We’d love to hear about your recent experience. Please complete our short feedback form and tell us about your experience.
Our services are delivered across the following areas:
- Cheshire East
- Knowsley
- St Helens
- West Cheshire
- Wirral
Do you need support to complete the questionnaire?
The Browsealoud feature will read the questions out for you and for people whose first language isn’t English they can access the questions in their preferred language. Browsealound also magnifies text size to suit specific needs.
To access Browsealoud, simply click on the orange headphone icon at the top right hand side of each page. From here, hover your cursor over the text you want read aloud and Browsealoud will read it to you. Other features such as translation, text magnifier and page simplifier can be accessed by clicking on icons within the toolbar – if you roll your mouse over each icon a description will appear describing what the feature does.

For more information about the various ways you can share feedback about your experience please visit How to give us feedback.